Wednesday 28 October 2015

Marae Visit

Over the last couple of days our school has been visiting the Bluff Marae to learn about Maori culture.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Harold today

We had so much fun with Theresa today. We watched a movie about Harold. We learnt how people and animals breathe.

Monday 19 October 2015

Marae Prep

We are busy preparing for our Marae visit next week. The children are very excited about attending this event.

Thursday 15 October 2015

News time today

Harry shared a birds nest with us today that he found at school.

Monday 12 October 2015

Welcome to Term 4

Kia ora and Welcome back to Term 4.

If your child doesn’t quite have enough hours in the week to complete their homework, which is understandable with busy lifestyles, please write a note and send the homework back on Fridays.

The book the children take home will be either taught to the child that day or one from their browsing box. It is important for reading to happen every night. Get your child to read some to you and you can read some to them to make it more enjoyable.

Library books are due each Friday and new books will be issued.

Rainbow/Star word lists will be provided that can be practised at home as well as in class and then when ready a test will be held. If all is correct they will move onto the next list. After completing all these lists they will have to spell them all before moving to Essential Spelling lists. Spelling will be tested every Friday and new words will be given out on Mondays.

Our Oral language programme for news happens every day with a specific focus each day apart from Thursday which is Bible-in-Schools time. Your children will be working in buddies for news time each day apart from Fridays where the children will share their news to the whole class.

The timetable is will be in the homework books.

If you have any queries or anything you would like to talk about, please don’t hesitate in contacting me at school.

Thank you

Tina Thomson